
pg_utils.processing.postproc.eigen_func_from_reduced(xpd_recipe: ExpansionRecipe, phys_par: dict) LabeledCollection[source]

Lambdify functions of field variables from reduced form

This method converts symbolic expansions of the reduced variables to numerical functions of PG variables for efficient evaluation

  • xpd_recipe (expansion.ExpansionRecipe) – expansion recipe (for conjugate variables)

  • phys_par (dict) – physical parameter to be substituted into expressions


collection of functions for numerical evaluation, the leading functions are PG variable functions; the trailing 4 functions are U_s (radial velocity), U_p (azimuthal velocity), U_z (axial velocity) and Zeta (axial vorticity).

Return type:



Reduced formulation does not give magnetic components of the eigenmode in itself! The eigensolution and the expansion does not determine these. The magnetic components can only be recovered by plugging the solution back into the full PG equation.