
pg_utils.processing.postproc.eigen_func_from_conjugate(xpd_recipe: ExpansionRecipe, phys_par: dict) LabeledCollection[source]

Lambdify functions of field variables from conjugate expansions

This method converts symbolic expansions of the conjugate variables to numerical functions of PG variables for efficient evaluation

  • xpd_recipe (expansion.ExpansionRecipe) – expansion recipe (for conjugate variables)

  • phys_par (dict) – physical parameter to be substituted into expressions


collection of functions for numerical evaluation, the leading functions are PG variable functions; the trailing 4 functions are U_s (radial velocity), U_p (azimuthal velocity), U_z (axial velocity) and Zeta (axial vorticity).

Return type:



This method assumes implicitly that stream function Psi is part of the variables of the xpd_recipe (which should be the case, as long as we are solving the PG model). This is required to calculate the velocity field and the axial vorticity.