
Solving the eigenvalue problem.

This file contains the code for solving an eigenvalue problem in the framework of PG model.


apply_bg_to_eq(fname, eq, bg_map[, mode, ...])

Apply background field equation-wise

apply_bg_to_set(eqs, bg[, mode, verbose])

Apply background field to a set of equations

assemble_forcing(eqs, *args[, timescale, ...])

Assemble components of the forcing in the PG system

collect_matrix_elements(read_from, ...[, ...])

Eigensolver step II: collect matrix elements in symbolic forms

compute_eigen(read_from[, read_fmt, ...])

Eigensolver step IV: compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors from matrices

compute_eigen_mp(read_from, save_to[, diag, ...])

Compute eigenvalue problem to multiple precision

compute_matrix_numerics(read_from, ...[, ...])

Eigensolver step III: computation of matrix elements

equations_to_matrices(eqs, xpd_recipe[, ...])

Collect matrix elements

form_equations([eq_mode, components, ...])

Eigensolver step I: form set of equations

process_matrix_element(element, map_trial, ...)

Process matrix elements to desired form

reduce_dimensions(read_from[, save_to, ...])

Eigensolver step Ib: reduce dimension of the system

reduce_eqsys_to_force_form(eqsys_old[, verbose])

Reduce a system of equations to streamfunction-force formulation, thus drastically reducing the dimensionality of the dynamical system

reduce_eqsys_to_psi(eqsys_old[, verbose])

Reduce a system of eqs to 2nd-order formulation in stream function

to_fd_ode_pg(eq_sys, dyn_var)

A convenient function to convert equations to Fourier domain for PG vars

to_fd_ode_psi(eq[, psi_var, verbose])

Reduce an eq of psi to ODE form in cylindrical radius s