
class pg_utils.sympy_supp.vector_calculus_3d.SphericalCoordinates(r, t, p, r_name='r', t_name='t', p_name='p')[source]

Bases: OrthogonalCoordinates3D

Spherical coordinate system in 3D

Example: define a spherical coordinate system. The default names for the coordinates are r (radius), t (colatitude) and p (azimuth):

>>> x1, x2, x3 = sympy.symbols("x_1 x_2 x_3")
>>> sph3d = SphericalCoordinates3D(x1, x2, x3)
>>> sph3d.r   # Invoking the radial coordinate
>>> sph3d.p   # Invoking the azimuthal coordinate

You can also pass in additional names to name the coordinates:

>>> sph3d = SphericalCoordinates3D(x1, x2, x3, r_name="x1")
>>> sph3d.x1  # Invoking the radial coordinate
>>> sph3d.p  # Invoking the azimuthal coordinate

It also supports indexing:

>>> sph3d[1]
__init__(r, t, p, r_name='r', t_name='t', p_name='p') None[source]


__init__(r, t, p[, r_name, t_name, p_name])

curl(vector_in, **kwargs)

Vector curl, to be implemented

div(vector_in, **kwargs)

Compute the divergence of a vector in spherical coordinates

grad(scalar_in, **kwargs)

Scalar gradient, to be implemented

laplacian(tensor_in[, rank])

Tensor Laplacian, to be implemented

surface_div(vector_in, **kwargs)

Compute the surface divergence of a 2-D vector in spherical coordinates

surface_grad(scalar_in, **kwargs)

Surface gradient, to be implemented

transform_to(v_in, new_sys[, coeffs_new])



Setter/getter interface for the coordinates, indexable

property coords[source]

Setter/getter interface for the coordinates, indexable

curl(vector_in, **kwargs)[source]

Vector curl, to be implemented

div(vector_in, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the divergence of a vector in spherical coordinates

  • vector_in (array-like) – input vector, assumed to be 3-component array, with sympy.Expr as components

  • **kwargs – additional arguments passed to sympy.diff


divergence scalar, sympy.Expr

grad(scalar_in, **kwargs)[source]

Scalar gradient, to be implemented

laplacian(tensor_in, rank=0, **kwargs)[source]

Tensor Laplacian, to be implemented

surface_div(vector_in, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the surface divergence of a 2-D vector in spherical coordinates

  • vector_in (array-like) – input vector, assumed to be 2-component array, with sympy.Expr as components. These are assumed to be colatitudal (theta) and azimuthal (phi) components of a vector field.

  • **kwargs – additional arguments passed to sympy.diff


surface divergence, sympy.Expr

surface_grad(scalar_in, **kwargs)[source]

Surface gradient, to be implemented