
class pg_utils.numerics.special.RootsJacobiResult(xi: ndarray, wt: ndarray, flag: bool, msg: str)[source]

Bases: object

Result object of root-finding routine for Jacobi polynomials

  • xi (np.ndarray) – final computational result of the roots

  • wt (np.ndarray) – weights, dependent on the final roots

  • flag (bool) – whether the computation has converged

  • msg (str) – additional message

__init__(xi: ndarray, wt: ndarray, flag: bool, msg: str) None[source]
  • xi (np.ndarray) – final computational result of the roots

  • wt (np.ndarray) – weights, dependent on the final roots

  • flag (bool) – whether the computation has converged

  • msg (str) – additional message


__init__(xi, wt, flag, msg)

param np.ndarray xi:

final computational result of the roots