
Jingtao Min @ EPM, Institut für Geophysik, ETH Zürich


H27, Sonneggstrasse 5

8092 Zürich

Welcome to the personal homepage of Jingtao Min.

Currently a doctoral student in Earth sciences at Departement Erdwissenschaften, ETH Zürich, I am mainly interested in numerical modelling, inverse problems and data assimilation in geophysics.

Since the beginning of my doctoral studies, I have taken a slight shift towards the underlying physics, and have been involved with studying the reduced models of geodynamo and geomagnetic data assimilation. Combining improved physical models with geomagnetic observations, we might be able to place new constraints on the dynamics of the Earth core and deep interior properties such as the electrical conductivity or the magnetic field. These ultimately determines the core-mantle, inner-core-outer-core coupling, as well as the evolution of the geomagnetic field. Being a fickle person in pursuit of Earth sciences, I find my interest constantly shifting, and I’m open to new ideas.

I have been a major fantasy lover: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Narnia, for which I have been waiting forever for the next movie episode. Since college, I have developed a keen interest in sitcoms. I like TBBT, Brooklyn 99, and am also acquainted with New-York-based oldies such as Seinfeld and Friends; but on top of all those sitcoms, HIMYM has always been my absolute favourite, and perhaps always will be, considering the scarcity of (good) sitcoms among the television programs nowadays. I am also a long-running fan of Stephen King, and for similar reasons became fond of Stranger Things in recent years.

P.S. The profile picture on this page is not me, but my favourite icon, cropped from Pointillism painter Georges Seurat’s Circus Sideshow.


Sep 8, 2024 Comments are now available on selected posts! Unfortunately one has to log in via GitHub since the comment section uses giscus app.
Jul 1, 2024 I attended the SEDI meeting in Great Barrington, MA, USA, and presented the recent work on the PG model.
Apr 12, 2024 I attended the Swarm 10-year anniversary conference in Copenhagen and presented the recent work on the PG model.
Dec 1, 2023 I presented the recent work on the PG model in the Aptitude Colloquium.
Jul 18, 2023 I participated in IUGG 2023 in Berlin, and made the oral presentation based on the recently published work on simultaneous source-conductivity inversion.

Selected publications

  1. EPS
    Jingtao Min, and Alexander Grayver
    Earth, Planets and Space, May 2023